Moving With Pets?
MOVING WITH YOUR PETS CAN BE A CHALLENGE!!! We sell houses, and in this market, we sell them fast! Often sellers tell me their pets 'know' something is going on when they are getting ready to move. They say things like, "Fluffy never chews up my shoes, but she did...
Short Sale/Foreclosure – How Much Does It Really Affect Your FICO Score?
Research looks at how mortgage delinquencies affect scores How much impact does a short sale have on FICO® Scores? How about a foreclosure? Since I frequently hear these questions from clients and others, I thought I’d share new FICO research that sheds light on this...
Do You Qualify For A Principle Reduction On Your Home Loan?
Like me, are you responsibly paying your mortgage? Like me, do you wonder if you didn’t responsibly pay your mortgage what programs would be available to you that might reduce your interest rate, reduce your principal or that ‘golden ticket’get you a free house? We...
To FHA or not FHA…that is the question
Why a FHA loan could cost you the house…. Again, I struggle with our government's need to meddle in things they really don’t understand. While I like the idea that somewhere there is a ‘parent’ with the capabilities of taking the keys to the car when things get out...
How to buy a Condo
1) Owner Occupancy - Owner occupancy must be greater than 50% at the time of underwriting to be FHA eligible; 70% for Fannie approval. 2) HOA Delinquencies - No more than 15% of the units in a project can be 30 +days delinquent in their HOA dues. 3) Investor ownership...
Pricing and Timing your Sale/Purchase
Pricing a home for sale is as much art as science, but there are a few truisms that never change. • Fair market value attracts buyers, overpricing never does. • The first two weeks of marketing are crucial. • The market never lies, but it can change its mind. Fair...
Short Sale / Foreclosures
Short sales and foreclosures are the result of homeowners in distress. A “short sale” simply means the homeowner’s lender has given permission to the homeowner to sell the home for less than the remaining balance of the loan. To accomplish this, the seller must show...
Transferring Your Property Tax Basis in California
In today's totally screwed up government - it is clear that we are out of money. California is no exception - with a GDP that ranks us in the top 10 in the world, we cannot manage our resources well enough to have good cash flow. There is something terribly wrong...
Be Prepared for Emergencies
Be Prepared for Emergencies! I was reading an article published by The Burbank City Water and Power Dept., that highlighted some of the reasons we have power outages caused by things besides weather. Things like Mylar balloons caught in power lines and vehicles...
We Work Hard so You Don’t Have To!
We work hard so you don't have to - Isn't that the tag line for an insurance company?....I think it is Allstate. That slogan, if it is meant and executed is a powerful one. We feel, at Santoro and Sons Real Estate Group that 'We work hard so you don't have to' is...